Combat Safety
Reeves are the referees of Amtgard. They enforce the rules and maintain safety on the field in both battle games and tournaments. They also run tournaments, quests, and battle games. You can identify a Reeve by the gold sash worn across their body.
Reeves step in to ensure safety and and make judgement calls on rules so the game can continue. They also make sure that players take valid shots and spells. All calls on the field by a Reeve are final. Arguing with a Reeve can get you removed from that game or tournament. If a player disagrees with a Reeve’s decision they may talk to the Reeve or the Guild Master of Reeves after the game ends. Rules discussions should never interrupt or postpone game play.
All Reeves must pass a Reeve’s certification test every six months to stay active. The Guild Master of Reeves issues both Reeve and Corpora tests. There are Guild Masters of Reeves at both park and kingdom level. They serve six month terms and are the head Reeve and final word on rules calls while in office.
Weapon Safety
All weapons in Amtgard follow strict rules including minimum diameter, minimum padding depth, and material requirements and limitations. A safe weapon is one that will not break bones, or teeth, or regularly leave bruises. Amtgard weapon cores (the ridged center to which the padding is attached) should not felt when the weapon strikes a person. While the handle of any weapon does not need to be padded, all other parts of a safe weapon should have at least some padding to protect from injury.
While a weapon may be adequate in regards to the basic rules of construction, a weapon can still be deemed unsafe by a reeve, either by the way the weapon is used in combat, or the possible force generated by the weapon. For example, a polearm that has the minimum required padding on the striking area, but that is being used with excessive force, will be considered unsafe, and removed from the field. If you feel that a weapon is unsafe, by either excessive force, or a break in the protective foam, speak to the player respectively first, if the matter is unresolved after that speak to the closest Reeve.
Physical Contact Safety
Combat in Amtgard can be described as a “A game of tag, with a foam weapon”. A broad range of contact is allowed in Amtgard battle, below are some general rules to follow. Maintaining a safe environment for play always rests squarely with the player; unsafe contact, harassment, or unsportsman like play can result in suspension from the game or the field.
The following are appropriate for combat:
- Weapon to weapon contact
- Weapon to shield
- Weapon to body on a valid hit location
- Shield to shield contact: Shields may be used to deflect, turn, or pin an opponent’s shield so long as the wielder of the struck shield is not moved. Shield bashing is never allowed.
The following are NOT appropriate for combat:
- Body to body contact
- Body to shield contact (also known as shield kicking or body to shield bashing)
- Active non-strike legal part of a weapon to body.
- Forcing a players Weapon against them with your body or shield
Shot Safety and Combat Etiquette
Like weapons, a safe player will not break teeth or leave bruises on other players. Players striking with too much force, or striking to injury other players will be removed from the field.
Communication is always encouraged in Amtgard combat. Communicate early and often with your opponents. If you made a close block or feel your opponent’s shot was invalid, communicate it immediately. If you are unsure that your opponent’s shot was good enough to be a wound, treat it as such.
Headshots stop all combat between the two or more fighters involved. Upon a headshot the struck player is considered “out of game” until that player has made it clear they are ready to begin combat again. Any effects or blows that follow the headshot are not valid, and other players should move to give space to the waiting parties.
Etiquette asks that if two players are discussing the legality of a shot, or if one person is waiting for their opponent to return to combat after a headshot, that you engage with them only after declaring your intention to. It also follows that those in conversation with a Reeve are considered out of game until the Reeve is finished their discussion with the player.