New Players
Glad you stopped by! Amtgard is a fast-paced, immersive, and fantastic way to get out off the couch and beating your friends with structurally sound foam swords. Our game focuses around one of the fastest fighting systems paired with magical abilities and effects but also has an integral component of crafting and social interaction off the field of battle.
Before Coming to the Field
Fill out the Amtgard Waiver. If you are under 18 we will need a parent or guardian’s signature so try to get this ahead of time if they are not coming with you. The current minor waiver can be found here.
Review the Rulebook, I’d suggest reading the “Made Easy” sections of the rulebook and then digging deeper after you’ve come to play!
You don’t have to worry about garb (a costume) or weapons, we have loaners! We would love to help you make your first weapons/garb and hope you can have them finished by your 5th weekend at Amtgard!